The Story
Unit3 are proud to become signatories of The Placemaking Wales Charter.
The Placemaking Wales Charter has been developed by Welsh Government and the Design Commission for Wales in collaboration with the Placemaking Wales Partnership – a multi-disciplinary group representing professions and organisations working within the built and natural environment.
The Charter builds on the strengthening focus on Placemaking in policy and practice in Wales and aims to provide a common understanding of the range of considerations that go into placemaking. The charter outlines six placemaking principles that cover the range of considerations that contribute to establishing and maintaining good places.
Our Agreement: In signing the Placemaking Wales Charter, Unit3 agrees to support placemaking in all relevant areas of our work and promote the six placemaking principles in the planning, design and management of new and existing places
The spirit of the partnership of one of mutual support, encouragement, and positive action. Signatories are expected to promote and uphold the principles of the charter in all of their work.